To make a repayment to your Credit Line, please follow the steps outlined below:
You will find your 17 digit Virtual Account number on the right side of the first page of the Elevate Credit Line Statement.
Please make a repayment via bank transfer to the 17 digit VA number.
You also can view your 17 digit Virtual Account number in the Elevate App: Credit Line > Pay Bill (Please note that the Virtual account number will not viewable here if your Outstanding Balance is S$0)
You also can make a repayment via your Elevate Account by adding your 17 digit Virtual Account number as a Recipient in the Elevate App: Payables > Create new payment > Add new recipient > Local or domestic recipient
How do I add a recipient to send money to? | Elevate Help Center
Please note: Repayments must be made to your 17-digit Virtual Account number.
If funds are transferred only to your Elevate Account, repayment is not considered complete.
Elevate comprises of six (6) main products offered by CardUp Pte Ltd, with some products being provided in partnership with third parties who will provide the regulated services under each product. CardUp is a major payment institution licence holder under the Payment Services Act 2019. Click here to Learn More.
CardUp Pte. Ltd.
Business Registration No.: 201536690R | Major Payment Institution License No.: PS20200484
FS Capital Pte. Ltd.
Business Registration No.: 201631787R
FS Technologies Pte. Ltd.
Business Registration No.: 201935125G